Ensuring that each person that comes through our doors feels welcome, cared for and loved.
Promoting genuine love and authentic fellowship and the development of strong, healthy families, we want to fulfil the dream of constantly welcoming new congregants into the fellowship of the Ridgemount Church Family.
Men's Fellowship

Our Men’s ministry is focused on enabling adult males (18+) to discover their God-given potential and fulfil their divine purpose within the home, church, work and society.
The ministry exists to facilitate the development of godly men who make a difference for Christ. These are Men Of Vision, Excellence, Responsibility & Service or MOVERS

The ministry pursues this goal by:
- Raising awareness of the unique gifts and needs that men possess;
- Reaching out to men through appropriate and relevant activities;
- Responding to opportunities for service and involvement;
- Reinforcing the standards of Christian manhood;
- Calling men to a personal faith commitment to Christ.
Women's Fellowship

The objectives of the Women’s fellowship are to:
- Unite women of the Church in the dedication of their lives to the Lord Jesus Christ for the service of an extension of His Kingdom.
- Seek to widen the fellowship among all women in the congregation and community.
- Seek to empower the women for growth and service.
Mission Statement
The Women’s Fellowship of the United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands exists to assist the denomination in its work of witnessing to the love of Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, particularly among women through a variety of educational, social and theological programs.
Our Motto
“By Love Serve”
Other Adult Ministries

Singles Ministry

Senior’s Ministry

The nursery is open from 10 am to 11 am every Sunday and cares for children 0 – 4 years old. Resources are in place to keep the children occupied, safe and engaged by our trained volunteers. Please remember to carry snacks and personal effects for your children.